Certificaciones de industrias metálicas Govi

Quality distinguishes Govi's work

The Register of Accredited Companies (REA) accredits that companies in the construction sector meet the capacity and quality requirements of occupational risk prevention. Therefore, all companies whose purpose is to carry out work on construction sites, whether by contracting or subcontracting, must be registered in the Register of Accredited Companies.

The Plan Renova windows of Castile and Leon is a grant to finance the energy rehabilitation of all that concerns the thermal of existing buildings, in order to comply with the requirements of the Technical Building Code, through the Renovation of exterior glazed enclosures.

The official installer certification of CORTIZO certifies that GOVI has been validated and appointed as the official installer of CORTIZO Aluminios systems and that the quality requirements demanded in its realization are fulfilled.

CORTIZO is currently the leading manufacturer and distributor of aluminum systems for the construction of Spain. Present in 29 countries and in the process of continuous internationalization. They are also a benchmark in research, design and technological applications thanks to its R & D & I department

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