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Stainless steel products for pig farming
Section originally derived or dependent on the livestock equipment since the main products are feeders and drinking troughs in stainless steel for pig farming.
Over time, the section has been achieving an independent status due mainly to 3 reasons:
First, because of the intrinsic importance of the main products, as we have commented: stainless steel feeders and drinkers for pigs. They are a basic product and common to any housing.
Secondly, because the method of production requires the physical separation between the two processes. That is to say, the welding of stainless steel elements must necessarily be separated from the places where iron products are made to avoid contamination by small particles of iron embedded in the stainless steel welding, which would cause the paradoxical effect of Products in stainless steel that in the affected unions would oxidize.
Third, because of the perspective of the future. In relation to the livestock sector, and due to the extreme physical conditions to which all the metallic elements included in the housing are subjected, increasingly, the cattleman tends to replace metallic elements in galvanized iron or other material by elements in stainless steel , Longer duration, cleaning etc. In addition, the market for stainless steel products can be extended to other areas: food processing surfaces, pallets for the storage of hams or sausages etc.
In order to satisfy the demand for this type of products, the company increased the area destined to its elaboration in 2,000 m2, proceeded to the purchase of new specific machinery and foresees to devote greater material and human resources in the near future towards this type of production.
Currently the most demanded products are: Stainless steel troughs for farrowing crates, stainless steel run troughs for gestation, drinkers for mothers, drinkers for piglets, U´s separators, etc.